Maize Thresher Cum DeHuskerMachine Manufacturers

Maize Thresher Cum DeHusker With Elevator & Conveyer

Maize Thresher Cum DeHusker
Model Maize Thresher Cum DeHusker
Drum Size 27x60
Fan Blower No4.(4Fan)
Weight Wheel Double Wheel 150 Kg
Thresher Roter Open Roter Stud Type.
Power Requires 35 HP & Above
Catgeory Tractor Mounted.
Tyre 600.16+50 mm AXEL
Suitable Crops Maize

What is Maize Thresher?

    Maize thresher cum dehusker Mainly used for threshing to separate dry maize (corn) kernels from the cob, effectively removing the grains from the harvested corn stalk, essentially performing the "threshing" process maize crops; it is essentially a corn sheller that mechanically harvests the kernels from the cob while minimizing damage to the corn grains. .


    • It is uses rotating drums or other mechanisms to rub the maize dry cobs against a surface, causing the kernels to detach and fall off


    • NV Maize Thresher Saves significant labor compared to hand-shelling, increases efficiency in Post-harvest operations like dehusking, shelling, drying etc, and reduces post-harvest losses.